After the drought we have had for the past three years, I won't ever say rain, rain go away, but hopefully we won't need a boat to get around. Our school flooded today-4-5 inches of water in about 13 classrooms including the library. Our pond that was so dry in November is now way up high on the banks and actually got within about 6 inches of our driveway.
My husband came home at lunch and started looking for our dog. Well, he could hear his nails tapping and thought he was upstairs, so he went up and no Spencer. But it kept sounding like he was upstairs-tap, tap, tap. My hubby finally went into the bathroom and found the Spenster in the bathtub! Smart dog-he must have heard them on the radio saying that an inside bathroom with no window was the safest place in the house! How he shut the door is still a mystery! Any way, hope you enjoy our rain photos. By the way, forecast for tomorrow is.........more rain!
The sidewalk by my classroom-what you can't see a sidewalk? Well it's there under about 8 inches of water!
The Library